Ah yes this word "Narcissism", it's everywhere isn't it? And certainly for me as an expert at divorcing/separating from narcissists, it's the main reason my clients come to me seeking clarity and strategy in their divorce process. Some of you may have heard some horrific stories about people having narcissistic parents, members of family, co-workers, bosses and even partners. I am willing to bet that the for the most part, all you've heard is the bad stuff, I mean all you have to do is Google Narcissism and its all bad, bad , bad.
Just in case you don't know what we are talking about here, Narcissism is a personality disorder where a person has an exaggerated sense of self, a deep need for attention from others and a total lack of empathy amongst a long list of other traits.
I am going to pivot slightly here now.
Narcissism isn't always bad. There is Healthy Narcissism.
So hear me out and this may shock you. The vast majority of us are Narcissistic to some degree.
If we weren't we wouldn't brush our teeth, go to the hairdresser, go clothes shopping for the latest trends and other run of the mill daily tasks that we have come to accept as perfectly normal. This is good, healthy Narcissism.
Healthy Narcissism is related to self esteem and self worth.
Narcissism needs to be identified looking on a spectrum. On one end, you do have the malignant, covert Narcissists who will manipulate, gaslight and abuse you in order to achieve total control over you.
At the other end, there is healthy Narcissism. This is what we need to be conscious of when we talk about Narcissism. We need to be careful about branding the word around and really try to understand what arena we are talking in and where on the spectrum this Narcissism that you are experiencing is falling on.
We almost need to be Narcissistic in everyday life.
Let's talk real life. We are currently living in a pandemic. A shocking rise in mental health cases around the world, the need to feel good is key. If we are able to experience feeling joyful at these difficult times, then this is an example of when Narcissism is a good thing.
People have come to realise that Narcissism is acceptable to some degree in most aspects of our lives. E.g. the need to big ourselves up a bit when we are in job interviews or such like, my goodness we'll even do this on a date but does this mean we are narcissistic? Again, it's all about where they fall on the spectrum. If Narcissism allows you to be more self confident about certain things then again depending on how it is being used, that's no bad thing.
We can spend hours scrolling through images and videos on the likes of Instagram, TikTok and Facebook, is everyone on there Narcissistic? No not everyone. Yes their selfies are exhausting, the display of perfect faces, bodies and lives hitting us at our core and causing us to come to realise the difference between Real life vs Insta life. But what do we know of their stories? What do we know of their struggle? There are so many factors we need to consider. Perhaps what you may consider Narcissism is someone's personal battle with their self esteem and what you are seeing is their expression of gratitude. Maybe if we were grateful about ourselves, would we have the ability to see their actions for something else other than egoism.
So how do I tell the difference?
So if we think that we are dealing with someone narcissistic, what do you we need to ask ourselves when we are trying to identify if we thing we are dealing with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Consider the traits that you are looking at.
When trying to identify whether someone is Narcissistic, look at their behaviour. What are the traits that you are seeing? Are they verbally abusive? Are they mentally abusive? Are they unable to understand the consequences of their actions? Do they project? Do you feel manipulated? Do you feel unsafe? Do you feel controlled? Does it feel like you are walking on eggshells all the time? These are all strong red flags, warning signs that you may be dealing with a narcissist and this where I help my clients.
Divorcing a Narcissist is harder than being married to one.
If you need help divorcing or separating from a toxic personality and/or Narcissist, then please feel free to contact me at nawal@yourdivorcecoach.org.uk
I offer a free 15 minute discovery call to explain how I can help you. Please feel free to check out my instagram for free daily content. I also offer a free download of the top 10 Phrases to use when communicating with a Narcissist on my website www.yourdivorcecoach.org.uk.
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All far to true as I found to my cost. After 22 yrs of the relationship I became obsolete. Then she went off with someone who she thought had more money. (He didnt !!!) He put up with her for 13 years until the day she got a letter from another woman saying that SHE had been in a relationship with the guy all the time !!! Karma working.
One problem that I had was that my x played games when she left me and destroyed my self confidence as everything was MY fault. She destroyed my business and her own business. The difference being that my friends rallied around and I built everything back up.
My daughter stayed loyal…